
Benita Grace Joy.

Introvert. Creative soul. Enneagram 4. Writer. Dreamer. Agitator. Freethinker. Feminist. Firebrand. I love long, deep conversations over tea. Authenticity and equanimity are words that describe the essence of me. Anchored in unfailing Love. Life is beautiful.

I am the founder of the Toronto Relationship Clinic. I am a Certified Coach Practitioner (a.k.a. Life Coach) who specializes in Mental Wellness and Relationships. I work with individuals, couples, families, and groups helping people do life and relationships better. I truly love what I do. I am also a student working on completing a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy. My creative pursuits include writing and photography (follow me on Instagram!).

Live the life you are curious about.

Grace and peace, dearly beloveds.

4 thoughts on “ABOUT

  1. IS says:

    I’m glad that you are blogging. You have many insights and I love hearing them. You are a good writer too. I’m still debating how much of my personal life I shouldn’t discuss online. As a writer intending to publish and with some professional writing experience, I have a “public face” and a private life. I don’t like to let it all out and want to keep some distance. That doesn’t mean I want to be perfect and fake all the time or avoid discussing tough issues. I’m still trying to figure out boundaries and how to do that.

    FYI, this is Indu.


    • Benita Grace Joy says:

      Hi Indu, thanks so much for stopping by! You’re my first comment–yay! I totally understand. It’s definitely something I think about because I do want to continue to do some writing in my future, whatever that ends up looking like. I guess because I haven’t written publicly and I currently don’t have anything in the works for publishing, this blog will kind of take on a personal flavour. And I guess I’m okay with that. I think perhaps navigating that tension is something all writers have to do–especially this day in age when there are so many mediums to get your words out there. Thank you for sharing a bit on how you’re figuring it out and learning to manage your boundaries.


  2. IS says:

    Grad school helped me. I studied rhetoric and it helped me structure writing and audience. I also took classes on online marketing and copywriting. I have my blog but not actively promoting. It’s there but I’m still in the stage where I’m away. Jesus was away for years before his public ministry. So I’m away now. Writers have always had tensions and writing is a skill that requires practice, knowledge, and hard work.

    I think you should keep writing about spiritual topics for Christians. There is a lot of fluff and religious crap out there. As I’m typing this, I’m imaging you and a small group of women sitting in a circle facing you. You mention that you are a feminist. Maybe it’s something.
    I think you have the gift of speaking into people’s lives. You probably have insights from your profession. I don’t want to tell you what to write about or do because I get people telling me what to write and it gets annoying at times. Only you know yourself and God knows the desires of your heart and will use it. It’s a journey. You will find your niche. And if you need advice or help with publishing or writing, you know one person who you can ask 🙂

    As for me, I feel called to write for mostly seekers and outside world. I don’t directly or explicitly mention Christian topics but my current novel has themes of redemption, reconciliation, forgiveness, original sin. Some of my writing ruffles people’s feathers because there is sexuality, domestic violence, flawed characters, and uncomfortable topics. It’s more literary side of things. Or abstract art. I got into painting too.


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